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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
NARSINGH the taste of natur 30
NASIR gold purest of pure 14
NATURAL ice cream of juhu 7, 30, 32
NAVKAR a symbol of success 41
NCC mark of quality 30
NECTAR-the joy of learning 41
NECTOR +cartoon of boy 30
NEOBAGS a neo way of workin 22
NETA +face of man 34
NFDC cinemas of india 41
NGFC +cartoon of girl 31
NIDS school of design 16
NILA "promise of quality" 30
NILE +cartoon of bird 19
NIMRA group of institutions 41
NINA +cartoon of dog 24
NITCOCEM +king of spades 2
NJ NAKODA the temple of gol 14
NKB shri group of companies 2
NO CONTROL +cartoon of face 30
NOMARKS face of india 41
NOOR MASALA choice of nawab 30
NOVEX mark of reliance 18
NOW isp network of the worl 16
NOW network of the world 9
NR FOODS +cartoon of chef 43
NRI group of hospitals 42
NUVA school of thought 41
OCM soap choice of million 3
OFSTA a2z of stationery 16
OJEEN the taste of malabar 43
OKAY +face of lady 5
OKZY +cartoon of boy 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 41
OKZY ROMON +cartoon of boys 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 41
OLD COIN +face of man 33
OLD MONK +face of man 33
OM SHREE mark of quality 29
ONCE MORE +cartoon of mic 9
OOJAM +cartoon of monkey 9, 16, 38, 41, 42
OOJLE +cartoon of owl 38
OOTA all type of flakes 35
ORANGE taste of good cookin 21
OREVA world of granites 25, 34
ORZO +cartoon of bear 9, 16, 38, 41, 42
OSIYAN school of business 41
OWL VISION +cartoon of bird 41
OXIPURE the power of ozone 1
OZONE OZO +cartoon of boy 9
P house of pearl +globe 25
P symbol of purity +circle 29
PACK BAC +cartoon of woman 3
PAGE 3 choice of celebritie 19
PAN LIPS +cartoon of leaf 30
PANJA MARK +palm of hand 24
PAPA JAANI +cartoon of man 29
PAPPU +face of boy 25
PARAS touch of excellence 17
PARLE world of happiness 30
PARSON'S choice +face of ma 33
PARTH the art of learning 41
PARU +cartoon of elephant 41
PASSING SHOW +face of man 34
PASTEL ip school of interne 41
PATENT GYAN wisdom of paten 9
PEARL academy of fashion 35, 41
PECOPP +face of cat 5, 8
PEDRO +face of man & hat 9, 16, 20
PENTAKIDS +cartoon of bee 41
PEPPYBEAR +cartoon of bear 14
PET BUDDIES +cartoon of dog 35
PETU +cartoon of man 31, 32
PETU RAM +cartoon of man 31, 32
PGC palak group of companie 31
PH DOCTOR +cartoon of man 1
PHOTO CHAKRAM +face of boy 34
PICT school of information 16
PICT school of management 16
PIZZARITO +cartoon of man 43
PJS PARIVAR seal of purity 31
PLANET KIDS +cartoon of lio 41
PLAYWIN games of fortune 9, 16, 28
PNG pride of india +ovals 42
POLLIBOY +cartoon of frog 25
POOJA language of education 16
PORSCHE lap of luxury 20
POTHYS aalayam of silks 14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42
POTTO +cartoon of bear 25, 35
POV persistence of vision 16
PRAFA persuit of perfection 19
PRAFFUL group of industries 23
PRASHANTI house of silk +go 25
PRE-ORDER be ahead of game 37
PREFERRED jewellers of indi 35
PREM a part of your living 37
PREMIA risk out of insuranc 9
PRERITA harmony of health 16
PRICOL +device of stars 5
PRINCE +face of man 34
PRINCE king of quality 12
PRIZMA a division of ALKEM 3
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